“Pension Portals of all Pension Disbursing Banks to be integrated in the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare to ensure Ease of Living of Pensioners” says Shri. V Shrinivas, Secretary (P&PW) while addressing the launch ceremony of the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal of Bank of India on 26th April 2024. Speaking on the occasion he informed that ‘Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare’ had taken a number of initiatives to enhance the welfare of pensioners. Digital empowerment of pensioners is one such initiative and is being implemented through various means such as Digital Life Certificates and Bhavishya Portal.
In line with the objective of transparency, digitization and service delivery, the Bhavishya platform has ensured End-to-End digitization of the Pension processing and payment which commences from the retiree filing his/her papers online till issue of the PPO in electronic format and going into the Digilocker. The ‘Bhavishya’ platform, an integrated online pension processing system was made mandatory for all central government departments w.e.f. 01.01.2017. This system is at present being successfully implemented in 98 Ministries/ Departments including 870 Attached Offices and 8,174 DDOs on board. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare was awarded the 3rd Rank for BHAVISHYA (an online tracking system for pension sanction and payment developed by DOPPW) as per the NeSDA Assessment 2021 among all the Central Government e-Governance Service Delivery Portals.
In order to mitigate the problems faced by pensioners pertaining to banks such as Change of bank, status regarding submission of life certificate, Pension slip, Form 16, Pension receipt information, the websites of Pension Disbursing Banks are being integrated with the Integrated Pensioners Portal of DoPPW, to enable these services to be available from a single window.
The task of Integration of Pension Portal of SBI, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank and Canara Bank with Bhavishya portal has been completed. With this integration, the pensioners of Bank of India have a single stop for services like pension slip, status of submission of Life Certificate, Due and Drawn statement and Form-16 through the Integrated Pensioners’ Portal. In the near future most of the Pension Disbursing Banks will be integrated with Integrated Pensioners’ Portal.