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DEPwD Signs Two Significant MoUs towards empowering persons with disabilities

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The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) took a significant step towards empowering persons with disabilities by signing two important Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs)  Under the guidance of Secretary Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, the first MoU was signed between “DEPwD” and “Enable Me” Access Association (EMA), and the second MoU was signed between the Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center (ISLRTC) and YUNIKEE.


The MoU with EnableMe Access Association includes the launch of two advanced accessibility training programs. These training programs will be for panel accessibility auditors and engineers of the Central Public Works Department. The main objectives of this agreement are to provide training on Universal Design using Indian accessibility standards and create integrated tools for disseminating knowledge of these standards, to provide joint training on Indian accessibility standards for various groups identified by DEPwD, to develop a software tool for accessibility education, to support the Accessible India Campaign 2.0 and assist DEPwD in highlighting and rectifying policies that undermine the RPwD Act-2016 and other mandatory guidelines.

The primary objective of the MoU between ISLRTC and YUNIKEE is to provide free and accessible skills to the deaf community and their youth. With this skill knowledge, deaf youth will be able to advance their careers, secure high-quality jobs, and receive promotions in their current jobs. This skill training program will enable deaf youth to pursue their passions, earn a living through freelancing, and become self-reliant in terms of livelihood.

Joint Secretary Shri Rajiv Sharma, Director Honnareddy N, YUNIKEE’s Chaitanya Kothapalli, EnableMe Access Association Chairman Peter Gibson, and Co-Founder and Director Anubha Singhal were present during the signing of the MoUs.

With these two significant agreements, DEPwD has taken another important step towards creating an inclusive and empowering environment for persons with disabilities. The department aims to provide equal opportunities in education, employment, and social life, enabling persons with disabilities to become self-reliant and empowered citizens.

मातृभूमि समाचार का उद्देश्य मीडिया जगत का ऐसा उपकरण बनाना है, जिसके माध्यम से हम व्यवसायिक मीडिया जगत और पत्रकारिता के सिद्धांतों में समन्वय स्थापित कर सकें। इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए हमें आपका सहयोग चाहिए है। कृपया इस हेतु हमें दान देकर सहयोग प्रदान करने की कृपा करें। हमें दान करने के लिए निम्न लिंक पर क्लिक करें -- Click Here

* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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