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Powered by Benchmark NATIONAL URBAN LIVELIHOOD MISSION - Matribhumi Samachar English
Friday, September 20 2024 | 07:05:38 AM


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Urban development, including urban poverty alleviation is a State subject and the implementation of schemes/programmes under this is the responsibility of State/UT Governments. Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) supplements the effort of States/UTs by providing Central Assistance under “Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)”.

The scheme has the objective of reducing poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, in order to improve their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the urban poor. The mission aims at providing shelters equipped with essential services to the urban homeless. In addition, the Mission addresses livelihoods concerns of the urban street vendors by facilitating access to suitable spaces, institutional credit, social security, etc.

 The Employment through Skill Training & Placement (EST&P) component under the Mission aims to provide skill training to urban poor in market-oriented courses, enabling them to set up self-employment ventures or secure salaried employment. Further, Self-Employment Programme (SEP) component focuses on financial assistance to individuals/groups/Self Help Groups of urban poor for setting up gainful self-employment ventures or micro-enterprises. District-wise details of physical progress under the scheme are not maintained at the Central level.

 The number of livelihoods created, persons skilled and trained, ID Cards issued to street vendors, shelter spaces created for the homeless and Certificate of Vending issued to the beneficiaries, State-wise including Tamil Nadu is at Annexure-A. The number of beneficiaries and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) created under DAY-NULM, State-wise including Tamil Nadu is at Annexure-B.

To enhance the reach of the programme, the scheme is monitored by a Governing Council chaired by the Hon’ble Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and an Executive Committee chaired by the Secretary of MoHUA at Central level. At the state level, it is monitored by a Governing Council (GC) and Executive Committee (EC). At the City/ULB level, the mission is monitored by an Executive Committee chaired by Municipal Commissioner. Further, the Ministry conducts regular seminars, conferences, workshops with the States/ULBs for outreach of the programme. In addition, IEC activities are conducted through awareness campaigns regularly under the Mission.

The details of funds released under DAY-NULM for Andhra Pradesh in the last three years are as follows:

S.No. Financial year Funds released

(Rs. in crores)

1. 2021-22 60.50
2. 2022-23 37.63
3. 2023-24 NIL

This information was given by the Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Tokhan Sahu, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.




S. No State/UT Name No. of Livelihoods Created No. of Candidates Skill Trained No. of ID Cards Issued No. of Shelter spaces created for the homeless No. of Certificates of Vending issued
1 A & N Islands 355 143 676 60 676
2 Andhra Pradesh 384556 82546 259897 6510 465813
3 Arunachal Pradesh 3634 4475 5831 0 1285
4 Assam 83796 34905 89765 1120 92361
5 Bihar 102098 37351 112912 4069 160095
6 Chandigarh 6669 7188 2345 239 10930
7 Chhattisgarh 134055 41778 29448 2221 9851
8 DNH, D&Diu 0 0 436 0 1853
9 Goa 8812 6498 1580 138 2688
10 Gujarat 173123 106668 209885 12825 209885
11 Haryana 43884 34136 27034 2987 95306
12 Himachal Pradesh 18959 7102 4158 901 6035
13 Jammu & Kashmir 27405 5264 6396 100 23695
14 Jharkhand 113620 110660 27526 1618 50097
15 Karnataka 119831 19131 155282 4053 202170
16 Kerala 83546 22367 20460 11791 6880
17 Ladakh 196 0 427 0 427
18 Madhya Pradesh 401735 260321 545038 4301 730209
19 Maharashtra 407553 201199 23809 5638 29988
20 Manipur 15406 10734 7627 0 13952
21 Meghalaya 3539 2600 423 95 253
22 Mizoram 11161 10733 4929 5243 3214
23 Nagaland 3268 582 4247 90 4963
24 NCT of Delhi 5770 1921 56422 17035 62333
25 Odisha 123195 17026 35,760 2292 24818
26 Puducherry 2965 3194 3474 200 2445
27 Punjab 81279 74071 48639 4637 170902
28 Rajasthan 151175 51669 82005 11070 28318
29 Sikkim 708 3294 129 95 351
30 Tamil Nadu 601597 50744 104185 19398 126015
31 Telangana 134105 24484 622328 5567 359865
32 Tripura 13012 2146 8327 450 8,656
33 Uttar Pradesh 359682 219998 611023 10865 949,337
34 Uttarakhand 29709 20432 19908 1311 21981
35 West Bengal 162583 63865 0 4147 0
  Total   38,12,981  15,39,225 31,32,331 1,41,066 38,77,647


S. No State/UT Name No. of Self Help Groups (SHGs) formed No. of SHGs given Revolving Fund No. of Candidates Skill Trained No. of  Skilled Candidates Placed No. of Beneficiaries assisted for setting up individual/Group Micro Enterprises No. of loans disbursed to SHGs under Bank linkage Programme
1 A & N Islands 118 77 143 0 6 1
2 Andhra Pradesh 93367 39606 82546 74182 100622 361222
3 Arunachal Pradesh 709 387 4475 1665 77 13
4 Assam 23347 19653 34905 18816 6310 4617
5 Bihar 37452 26401 37351 12945 13809 9377
6 Chandigarh 663 531 7188 4285 410 0
7 Chhattisgarh 36530 26844 41778 16393 48823 11323
8 Goa 1323 975 6498 4808 272 8
9 Gujarat 40700 32798 106668 53012 29704 12553
10 Haryana 8475 5401 34136 15483 7143 629
11 Himachal Pradesh 4876 4583 7102 3881 3871 963
12 Jammu & Kashmir 4464 1922 5264 1538 16355 128
13 Jharkhand 23612 17348 110660 51601 12002 3507
14 Karnataka 41006 23992 19131 1732 25681 3953
15 Kerala 26206 35217 22367 16825 14110 39606
16 Ladakh 58 37 0 0 22 0
17 Madhya Pradesh 65790 35685 260321 164759 91453 18351
18 Maharashtra 112320 88176 201199 106003 63559 55476
19 Manipur 3415 2177 10734 9664 161 54
20 Meghalaya 474 184 2600 2101 149 5
21 Mizoram 1425 1694 10733 5136 2604 236
22 Nagaland 661 153 582 570 427 0
23 NCT of Delhi 1266 234 1921 776 1209 1
24 Odisha 40689 24556 17026 4475 44577 16549
25 Puducherry 1044 975 3194 406 612 802
26 Punjab 11137 3979 74071 48170 12035 94
27 Rajasthan 35402 26139 51669 23589 32607 3301
28 Sikkim 120 72 3294 340 35 0
29 Tamil Nadu 139297 101170 50744 44954 301017 95599
30 Telangana 49663 14444 24484 17437 15821 118264
31 Tripura 5239 4558 2146 783 2060 2346
32 Uttar Pradesh 72149 41480 219998 120744 87041 9775
33 Uttarakhand 4268 3130 20432 9815 9196 443
34 West Bengal 68112 73837 63865 25264 14210 42064
  Total   9,55,377   6,58,415  15,39,225   8,62,152             9,57,990       8,11,253
मातृभूमि समाचार का उद्देश्य मीडिया जगत का ऐसा उपकरण बनाना है, जिसके माध्यम से हम व्यवसायिक मीडिया जगत और पत्रकारिता के सिद्धांतों में समन्वय स्थापित कर सकें। इस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए हमें आपका सहयोग चाहिए है। कृपया इस हेतु हमें दान देकर सहयोग प्रदान करने की कृपा करें। हमें दान करने के लिए निम्न लिंक पर क्लिक करें -- Click Here

* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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