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Friday, March 21 2025 | 07:26:27 PM
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Coal Ministry Gears up for Special Campaign 4.0

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Ministry of Coal held a preparatory meeting on Special Campaign 4.0, chaired by Additional Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Smt. Vismita Tej, along with CMDs and Nodal Officers of CIL & its subsidiaries, NLCIL, CCO and CMPFO. The meeting provided an overview of the campaign and was followed by a detailed presentation. The officials were briefed on the achievements of the Ministry of Coal during the Special campaign 3.0. The Nodal officers were sensitized about the different activities of Special Campaign 4.0.

The key focus areas of Special Campaign 4.0 will include enhancing office spaces, adopting modern cleaning practices, efficient scrap disposal, optimizing office space utilization, promoting digitalization, encouraging eco-friendly practices, converting waste to wealth, fostering inclusivity, prioritizing citizen-centric approaches, and strengthening protocols and mechanisms.

The success of special Campaign 3.0 underscores the Ministry’s dedication to environmental responsibility and sets a robust foundation for the upcoming Special Campaign 4.0

The Preparatory meeting highlighted the Ministry’s commitment to achieve the campaign’s objectives ensuring a significant impact on cleanliness, efficiency, and the fast tracking of pending matters. The Ministry of Coal continues to prioritize these efforts and will maintain its focus on enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring a cleaner and more organized work environment.

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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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