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Day Two: National Conference on IPR Enforcement & Capacity Building

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The second day of the Three-Day National Conference on Enforcement and Capacity Building in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at the National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes, and Narcotics (NACIN), Palasamudram, Andhra Pradesh, focused on engaging with right holders to identify and address their challenges in IP protection.

Shri Gaigongdin Panmei, Principal Director General, NACIN, addressed the participants, outlining expectations for the day’s discussions and emphasizing the need for enhanced collaboration with right holders.

Right holders from various sectors, representatives from trade associations, and field experts participated in discussions that explored critical issues such as piracy and counterfeiting in India, strategies for strengthening IPR enforcement through public-private partnerships, and addressing the challenges of counterfeiting and piracy in e-commerce. Presentations on the IPR training facility at NACIN Palasamudram highlighted how right holders can contribute to capacity building.

The day included a special session by the World Customs Organization (WCO) that centered on IPR enforcement and capacity building. Mr. Pranab Kumar Dash, Director of Compliance and Facilitation at WCO, delivered a special address, emphasising the global significance of IP enforcement, WCO’s initiatives to tackle this challenge, and India’s expanding role in this field.

Ms. Rumi Hashimoto, Technical Attaché for the WCO IPR Health and Safety Program, presented on WCO’s global contributions to IP protection.

Additionally, right holders organized displays, activities, and kiosks to demonstrate methods for distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit products.

Overall, the discussions aimed to deepen understanding of the IP landscape and foster stronger partnerships between right holders and enforcement agencies, ultimately enhancing enforcement efforts and capacity building in the IPR domain.

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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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