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IME Launches Earth Cubs in India: Aims at Transforming Sustainability Education by Touching 50MN+ Children Across India

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India Market Entry (IME) proudly announces the launch of Earth Cubs in India, setting the stage for transformative sustainability education nationwide. Through the leadership of Grace Paljor, Principal of Leeds International Academy in Srinagar, Earth Cubs aims to engage 200,000 schools and impact 50 million children across India, with educational content focused on climate change, gender equality, biodiversity conservation, and more.

IME launches Earth Cubs in India

With over 8,000 schools already engaged across 130 countries, Earth Cubs is primed to make a meaningful impact in India, empowering young minds with knowledge aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IME’s collaboration is crucial in helping Earth Cubs reach schools and educational partners throughout the country, making these critical resources accessible to students in diverse regions.

Dhiraj Trakru, Founder of IME, expressed his excitement about the partnership, saying, “IME is thrilled to support Earth Cubs in expanding access to sustainability education in India. By working alongside visionary educators like Grace Paljor, we’re empowering schools nationwide to instill environmental responsibility in students, preparing them to be future guardians of our planet.”

Earth Cubs echoed this commitment, adding, “Our mission at Earth Cubs is to make sustainability education accessible and impactful. With IME’s support, we’re able to engage with schools across India, inspiring young learners to understand and protect their environment.”

Grace Paljor, whose innovative curriculum combines nature walks, storytelling, and poetry, has already inspired many students in Kashmir to connect with their natural surroundings. She encourages educators across India to join this mission: “Be the change that you want to see.”

IME and Earth Cubs invite corporate partners to join this transformative journey through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. By supporting Earth Cubs, companies can play a critical role in equipping India’s youth with the knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future, leaving a lasting impact on both the education sector and India’s environmental landscape.

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