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Sparkle Gift Cards Launches Collaborative Cards to Focus on Specific Causes

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Sparkle Gift Cards has added new variant in its offering with the introduction of the Sparkle Gift Collaborative Card, a distinctive option crafted specifically for partner NGOs to collaborate and raise funds exclusively for their causes.

Sparkle Gift Collaborative Cards

This innovative offering allows donors to directly support a specific cause, with the entire purchase amount going to the chosen NGO. The first three NGOs to join this initiative are CanSupport, CRY (Child Rights and You), and Railway Children India, each addressing critical issues such as palliative care, child rights, and the protection of vulnerable children respectively. These collaborative cards stand out with three distinctive features: a maroon colour, the NGOs logo displayed on the card, and a fixed value of INR 3000/- unlike the regular card.

Sarika Chavan, Co-founder – Sparkle Gift Cards says, “It’s been one year since Sparkle Gift Cards was launched, and we are very pleased with the response and feedback. The idea of Sparkle Gift Collaborative Card was born out of the feedback we received to have exclusive cards. This innovative initiative empowers donors to directly support a specific cause, with the full purchase amount benefiting the selected NGO.”

The Sparkle Gift Collaborative Card, has made the process of giving simple and convenient. Buyers can order the cards online ( and have them delivered to an address within 72 hours, ensuring a seamless experience. Whether it’s supporting palliative care through CanSupport, advocating for child rights with CRY, or protecting vulnerable children with Railway Children India, these cards turn gifting into a profound act of kindness.

About Sparkle Gift Cards

Sparkle Gift Cards are a unique gifting solution. They allow you to #GiftAPurpose. You get the chance to give a meaningful gift, and the receiver gets to assign the amount to a cause that resonates with them. Sparkle Gift Cards are inspired by the gifting dilemma we all face. The NGOs chosen are inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which outlines a pathway towards transforming our world into a safer, happier, more equitable place for all. Our chosen NGO partners work in a myriad of allied fields from education, to healthcare to gender parity, and are vetted for transparency, accountability and efficacy. for more information.

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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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