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Guru Pankaj Utsav and Mahari Samman Inaugural Evening Dance Artist Adyasha Mishra captivated the audience through Odissi dance

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Bhubaneswar:- On the occasion of the 106th birth anniversary of Adiguru Pankaj Charan Das, a three-day Guru Pankaj Utsav and Mahari Samman ceremony was organized by Guru Pankaj Charan Odissi Research Institute at Rabindra Mandap. The evening began with a performance by Dance artist Adyasha Mishra. The dance performance ‘Jagnaseni’ prepared by her captivated the audience. Dance artist Adyasha Mishra captivated the audience with her unique style. The audience was mesmerized by Adyasha Mishra’s dance.

The guests of honor in the evening included former MLA of Guru Durga Charan Ranbir, Priyardashi Mishra, President of the Prakash Foundation, Rosalyn Pattashani Mishra, Anuja Tarini Mishra of the Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Odissi Research Center, President of the institution, Batakrishna Tripathi and Editor Sarat Das. On this occasion, Dheeraj Kumar Mahapatra was honored with the Veenakar Samman, Michali Chintara with the Vakhuni Samprada Samman, Guchha Budhanath Swain with the Madeli Samman and Kolkata-based dancer Shripanda Bose with the Nachuni Samprada Samman.

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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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