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Manipal Academy of Higher Education and University of Auckland Sign MoU to Improve Academic Collaboration

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Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) entered into a strategic partnership with the University of Auckland, New Zealand’s leading university, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to foster collaborative initiatives in education and research. This MoU will pave the way for student and faculty exchanges and educational programmes.

MAHE and Auckland University officials exchange MoU

The agreement was exchanged during the “Shared Visions & Connected Futures” event held at IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, coinciding with the official visit to India by the Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Hon’ble Prime Minister of New Zealand. Lt. Gen. Dr. M. D. Venkatesh, Vice Chancellor of MAHE, exchanged the agreement with Professor Dawn Freshwater, Vice Chancellor of the University of Auckland, in the presence of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of New Zealand.

The ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including Amanda Malu, Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, and Prof. Ranjan Banerjee, Director of IIT Delhi. Dr. Madhu Veeraraghavan, Pro Vice Chancellor of MAHE Bengaluru, Dr. Iven Jose, Director of MIT Bengaluru, and Dr. Anup Naha, Director of International Collaborations at MAHE, were also present to witness to remarkable partnership underlining the importance of this strategic partnership in enhancing global academic cooperation and creating opportunities for students and faculty from both institutions.

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