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India’s Total Exports Estimated to Grow at 10.25% in May 2024

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India’s total exports (Merchandise and Services combined) for May 2024* is estimated at USD 68.29 Billion, registering a positive growth of 10.25 percent vis-à-vis May 2023.Total imports (Merchandise and Services combined) for May 2024* is estimated at USD 79.20 Billion, registering a positive growth of 7.95 percent vis-à-vis May 2023.

Table 1: Trade during May 2024*

    May 2024

(USD Billion)

May 2023

(USD Billion)

Merchandise Exports 38.13 34.95
Imports 61.91 57.48
Services* Exports 30.16 26.99
Imports 17.28 15.88
Total Trade

(Merchandise +Services) *

Exports 68.29 61.95
Imports 79.20 73.36
Trade Balance -10.90 -11.41

* Note: The latest data for services sector released by RBI is for April2024. The data for May 2024 is an estimation, which will be revised based on RBI’s subsequent release.

Fig 1: Total Trade during May 2024*

India’s total exports during April-May2024* is estimated at USD 133.61 Billion registering a positive growth of 9.21 percent. Total imports during April-May 2024* is estimated at USD 149.92 Billion registering a growth of 9.93 percent.

Table 2: Trade during April-May 2024*

    April-May 2024

(USD Billion)

April-May 2023

(USD Billion)

Merchandise Exports 73.12 69.57
Imports 116.01 106.54
Services* Exports 60.49 52.77
Imports 33.91 29.84
Total Trade

(Merchandise +Services) *

Exports 133.61 122.35
Imports 149.92 136.38
Trade Balance -16.31 -14.03

Fig 2: Total Trade during April-May 2024* 



  • Merchandise exports during May 2024 were USD 38.13 Billion as compared to USD 34.95 Billion in May 2023.
  • Merchandise imports during May 2024 were USD 61.91 Billion as compared to USD 57.48 Billion in May 2023.

Fig 3: Merchandise Trade during May 2024

  • Merchandise exports during April-May 2024 were USD 73.12 Billion as compared to USD 69.57Billion during April-May 2023.
  • Merchandise imports during April-May 2024 were USD 116.01 Billion compared to USD 106.54 Billion during April-May 2023.
  • Merchandise trade deficit during April-May 2024 was USD 42.89 Billion compared to USD 36.97 Billion during April-May 2023.

Fig4: Merchandise Trade during April-May 2024

  • Non-petroleum and non-gems & jewellery exports in May 2024 were USD 28.60Billion compared to USD 26.27Billion in May 2023.
  • Non-petroleum, non-gems & jewellery (gold, silver & precious metals) imports in May 2024 were USD 36.59Billion compared to USD 36.31Billion in May 2023.

Table 3: Trade excluding Petroleum and Gems &Jewellery during May 2024


May 2024

(USD Billion)

May 2023

(USD Billion)

Non- petroleum exports 31.36 29.10
Non- petroleum imports 41.97 41.91
Non-petroleum &Non-Gems & Jewellery exports 28.60 26.27
Non-petroleum &Non-Gems & Jewellery imports 36.59 36.31

Note: Gems &Jewellery Imports include Gold, Silver & Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones

Fig 5: Trade excluding Petroleum and Gems &Jewellery during May 2024

  • Non-petroleum and non-gems & jewellery exports in April-May 2024 were USD 54.71 Billion, compared to USD 52.05 Billion in April-May 2023.
  • Non-petroleum, non-gems & jewellery (gold, silver & precious metals) imports in April-May 2024 were USD 69.31 Billion, compared to USD 68.44 Billion in April-May 2023.

Table 4: Trade excluding Petroleum and Gems &Jewellery during April-May 2024


April-May 2024

(USD Billion)

April-May 2023

(USD Billion)

Non- petroleum exports 59.73 57.30
Non- petroleum imports 79.60 77.27
Non-petroleum &Non Gems & Jewellery exports 54.71 52.05
Non-petroleum &Non Gems & Jewellery imports 69.31 68.44

Note: Gems & Jewellery Imports include Gold, Silver & Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones

Fig 6: Trade excluding Petroleum and Gems & Jewellery during April-May 2024


  • The estimated value of services export for May 2024* is USD 30.16 Billion as compared to USD 26.99Billion in May 2023.
  • The estimated value of services imports for May 2024* is USD 17.28 Billion as compared to USD 15.88Billion in May 2023.

Fig 7: Services Trade during May 2024*

  • The estimated value of service exports during April-May 2024* is USD 60.49 Billion as compared to USD 52.77 Billion in April-May 2023.
  • The estimated value of service imports during April-May 2024* is USD 33.91 Billion as compared to USD 29.84 Billion in April-May 2023.
  • The services trade surplus for April-May 2024* is USD 26.58 Billion as compared to USD 22.94 Billion in April-May 2023.

Fig 8: Services Trade during April-May 2024*

Exports of Coffee (64.23%), Tobacco (58.38%), Electronic Goods (22.97%), Meat, dairy & poultry products (22.95%), Fruits & Vegetables (20.75%), Handicrafts excl. handmade carpet (20.63%), Tea (19.57%), Carpet (17.55%), Plastic & Linoleum (16.6%), Petroleum Products (15.75%), Cereal preparations & miscellaneous processed items (14.31%), Drugs & Pharmaceuticals (10.45%), RMG of all Textiles (9.84%), Cotton Yarn/Fabs./made-ups, Handloom Products etc. (9.75%), Engineering Goods (7.39%), Oil seeds (5.75%), Man-made Yarn/Fabs./made-ups etc. (4.65%), Organic & Inorganic Chemicals (3.21%), Rice (2.76%) and Mica, Coal & Other Ores, Minerals including processed minerals (1.08%) record positive growth during May 2024 over the corresponding month of last year.

Imports of Project goods (-44.31%), Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc.(-26.55%),Cotton Raw & Waste(-24.46%),Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrts(-20.92%), Fertilisers, Crude & manufactured(-20.42%), Leather & leather products(-20.05%), Chemical material & products (-9.81%), Gold (-9.76%), Wood & Wood products(-7.2%),Iron & Steel (-6.65%),Dyeing/tanning/colouring mtrls.(-5.1%),Newsprint(-4.49%), Textile yarn Fabric, made-up articles(-1.15%) and Organic & Inorganic Chemicals(-0.49%) record negative growth during May 2024 over the corresponding month of last year.

Services exports is estimated to grow by 14.63percent during April-May 2024* over April-May 2023.

Top 5 export destinations, in terms of change in value, exhibiting positive growth in May 2024 vis a vis May 2023 are U S A (13.06%), Netherland (43.92%), U Arab Emts (19.43%), Malaysia (86.95%) and U K (33.54%).

Top 5 export destinations, in terms of change in value, exhibiting positive growth in April-May 2024 vis a vis April-May 2023 are U S A (12.66%), Netherland (40.87%), U Arab Emts (16.16%), Singapore (36.65%) and Malaysia (64.03%).

Top 5 import sources, in terms of change in value, exhibiting growth in May 2024 vis a vis May 2023 are U Arab Emts (49.93%), Iraq (58.68%), Russia (18.02%), Angola (1274.95%) and Indonesia (23.36%).

Top 5 import sources, in terms of change in value, exhibiting growth in April-May 2024 vis a vis April-May2023 are Russia (19.89%), U Arab Emts (28.83%), Iraq (34.12%), Switzerland (26.43%) and Angola (256.01%).



Sl. No. Commodities Values in Million USD % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 Tea 54.07 101.82 64.66 124.70 19.57 22.47
2 Coffee 112.97 231.44 185.54 322.80 64.23 39.48
3 Rice 977.28 1977.53 1004.29 1956.36 2.76 -1.07
4 Other cereals 104.45 167.98 19.37 41.58 -81.45 -75.25
5 Tobacco 91.27 196.12 144.56 263.26 58.38 34.24
6 Spices 453.07 814.37 361.17 766.79 -20.28 -5.84
7 Cashew 28.17 55.25 20.91 43.23 -25.79 -21.75
8 Oil Meals 150.98 349.47 113.00 246.22 -25.16 -29.54
9 Oil seeds 103.85 239.99 109.82 222.54 5.75 -7.27
10 Fruits & Vegetables 245.10 558.37 295.97 589.12 20.75 5.51
11 Cereal preparations & miscellaneous processed items 230.77 464.74 263.79 509.45 14.31 9.62
12 Marine Products 599.27 1166.89 575.84 1070.03 -3.91 -8.30
13 Meat, dairy & poultry products 307.75 647.93 378.37 699.81 22.95 8.01
14 Iron Ore 288.90 643.75 268.76 414.63 -6.97 -35.59
15 Mica, Coal & Other Ores, Minerals including processed minerals 382.48 773.46 386.60 727.79 1.08 -5.90
16 Leather & leather products 369.18 695.97 361.31 664.62 -2.13 -4.51
17 Ceramic products & glassware 373.07 736.78 360.19 700.17 -3.45 -4.97
18 Gems &Jewellery 2823.14 5248.45 2759.94 5017.83 -2.24 -4.39
19 Drugs & Pharmaceuticals 2084.06 4346.03 2301.88 4730.66 10.45 8.85
20 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 2237.01 4375.35 2308.75 4805.17 3.21 9.82
21 Engineering Goods 9300.75 18250.12 9988.43 18653.96 7.39 2.21
22 Electronic Goods 2414.22 4521.83 2968.66 5619.97 22.97 24.29
23 Cotton Yarn/Fabs./made-ups, Handloom Products etc. 919.88 1807.70 1009.61 1956.46 9.75 8.23
24 Man-made Yarn/Fabs./made-ups etc. 395.43 788.36 413.82 782.17 4.65 -0.79
25 RMG of all Textiles 1235.81 2446.66 1357.40 2555.79 9.84 4.46
26 Jute Mfg. including Floor Covering 30.38 63.79 28.79 55.91 -5.21 -12.36
27 Carpet 111.23 216.40 130.75 241.84 17.55 11.76
28 Handicrafts excl. handmade carpet 123.37 245.46 148.82 273.82 20.63 11.55
29 Petroleum Products 5854.37 12274.93 6776.29 13390.59 15.75 9.09
30 Plastic & Linoleum 650.79 1297.65 758.81 1424.76 16.60 9.79
Sub-Total 33053.08 65704.59 35866.10 68872.03 8.51 4.82
   GRAND   TOTAL 34952.48 69570.93 38132.48 73116.68 9.10 5.10

Note 1: Exports include Re-Exports.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.

Note 3: Grand total is inclusive of component ‘Other



Sl. No.


Values in Rs Crore % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 Tea 445.25 836.89 539.19 1040.01 21.10 24.27
2 Coffee 930.24 1901.90 1547.24 2692.12 66.33 41.55
3 Rice 8047.28 16251.37 8375.09 16315.86 4.07 0.40
4 Other cereals 860.11 1381.16 161.57 346.74 -81.21 -74.89
5 Tobacco 751.53 1611.53 1205.49 2195.58 60.40 36.24
6 Spices 3730.72 6694.10 3011.91 6395.04 -19.27 -4.47
7 Cashew 232.00 454.08 174.37 360.57 -24.84 -20.59
8 Oil Meals 1243.20 2871.27 942.30 2053.48 -24.20 -28.48
9 Oil seeds 855.11 1971.80 915.79 1855.98 7.10 -5.87
10 Fruits & Vegetables 2018.26 4587.71 2468.14 4913.20 22.29 7.09
11 Cereal preparations & miscellaneous processed items 1900.26 3819.29 2199.82 4248.76 15.76 11.24
12 Marine Products 4934.62 9590.24 4802.14 8923.96 -2.68 -6.95
13 Meat, dairy & poultry products 2534.13 5324.32 3155.34 5836.33 24.51 9.62
14 Iron Ore 2378.90 5289.43 2241.24 3457.93 -5.79 -34.63
15 Mica, Coal & Other Ores, Minerals including processed minerals 3149.48 6356.28 3224.00 6069.73 2.37 -4.51
16 Leather & leather products 3039.94 5720.31 3013.07 5542.82 -0.88 -3.10
17 Ceramic products & glassware 3071.95 6055.14 3003.69 5839.36 -2.22 -3.56
18 Gems &Jewellery 23246.67 43139.29 23015.97 41848.08 -0.99 -2.99
19 Drugs & Pharmaceuticals 17160.82 35713.69 19196.08 39453.54 11.86 10.47
20 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 18420.26 35959.11 19253.38 40074.95 4.52 11.45
21 Engineering Goods 76585.46 149988.87 83296.39 155572.11 8.76 3.72
22 Electronic Goods 19879.48 37166.23 24756.49 46870.06 24.53 26.11
23 Cotton Yarn/Fabs./made-ups, Handloom Products etc. 7574.63 14856.58 8419.45 16316.75 11.15 9.83
24 Man-made Yarn/Fabs./made-ups etc. 3256.08 6478.96 3450.98 6523.21 5.99 0.68
25 RMG of all Textiles 10176.08 20107.55 11319.73 21315.07 11.24 6.01
26 Jute Mfg. including Floor Covering 250.12 524.21 240.12 466.25 -4.00 -11.06
27 Carpet 915.91 1778.54 1090.33 2016.96 19.04 13.41
28 Handicrafts excl. handmade carpet 1015.87 2017.24 1241.04 2283.61 22.17 13.20
29 Petroleum Products 48206.79 100868.75 56509.45 111676.65 17.22 10.71
30 Plastic & Linoleum 5358.82 10664.45 6327.96 11882.33 18.08 11.42
Sub-Total 272170.00 539980.30 299097.77 574387.07 9.89 6.37
   GRAND   TOTAL 287810.22 571753.51 317997.81 609787.03 10.49 6.65

Note 1: Grand total is inclusive of component ‘Other’.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.



Sl. No. Commodities Values in Million USD % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 Cotton Raw & Waste 58.09 103.39 43.88 81.79 -24.46 -20.89
2 Vegetable Oil 1140.09 2218.38 1453.12 2790.55 27.46 25.79
3 Pulses 131.84 282.79 370.91 781.99 181.34 176.53
4 Fruits & vegetables 218.28 417.87 224.80 479.60 2.99 14.77
5 Pulp and Waste paper 136.50 283.04 167.90 311.22 23.01 9.96
6 Textile yarn Fabric, made-up articles 188.24 349.50 186.08 347.92 -1.15 -0.45
7 Fertilisers, Crude & manufactured 1180.48 1831.76 939.37 1536.57 -20.42 -16.12
8 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrites 6.59 28.89 5.21 11.51 -20.92 -60.14
9 Metaliferrous ores & other minerals 925.04 1483.98 966.33 1557.61 4.46 4.96
10 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 4492.28 7998.80 3299.74 6395.68 -26.55 -20.04
11 Petroleum, Crude & products 15574.12 29267.92 19948.63 36411.05 28.09 24.41
12 Wood &  Wood products 581.68 1119.50 539.77 1001.69 -7.20 -10.52
13 Leather & leather products 95.04 156.66 75.98 138.07 -20.05 -11.87
14 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 2561.36 4894.29 2548.81 4754.82 -0.49 -2.85
15 Dyeing/tanning/colouring materials 354.07 688.19 336.03 661.35 -5.10 -3.90
16 Artificial resins, plastic materials, etc. 1883.78 3782.11 1888.33 3591.90 0.24 -5.03
17 Chemical material & products 1057.05 2044.72 953.30 1865.00 -9.81 -8.79
18 Newsprint 39.72 63.85 37.94 65.09 -4.49 1.94
19 Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones 1878.65 3986.89 1909.50 3572.58 1.64 -10.39
20 Iron & Steel 1824.30 3530.95 1703.00 3269.02 -6.65 -7.42
21 Non-ferrous metals 2047.76 3816.11 2070.52 3848.63 1.11 0.85
22 Machine tools 397.19 726.64 445.82 846.00 12.24 16.43
23 Machinery, electrical & non-electrical 4138.33 8069.01 4148.68 7940.30 0.25 -1.60
24 Transport equipment 2341.05 4486.76 3087.28 5227.74 31.88 16.51
25 Project goods 56.78 88.97 31.62 69.35 -44.31 -22.05
26 Professional instrument, Optical goods, etc. 628.86 1205.43 643.79 1269.67 2.37 5.33
27 Electronic goods 6702.87 13111.28 7149.18 14200.43 6.66 8.31
28 Medicinal & Pharmaceutical products 702.49 1279.88 763.43 1447.01 8.67 13.06
29 Gold 3693.47 4701.47 3333.03 6447.66 -9.76 37.14
30 Silver 27.15 140.04 137.93 272.07 407.99 94.28
Sub-Total 55063.15 102159.08 59409.91 111193.87 7.89 8.84
   GRAND   TOTAL 57481.42 106537.53 61914.33 116009.84 7.71 8.89

Note 1: Imports include Re-Imports.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.

Note 3: Grand total is inclusive of component ‘Other’.



Sl. No. Commodities Values in Rs Crore % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 Cotton Raw & Waste 478.35 849.89 365.90 682.10 -23.51 -19.74
2 Vegetable Oil 9387.85 18232.11 12118.03 23273.01 29.08 27.65
3 Pulses 1085.59 2323.72 3093.09 6521.73 184.92 180.66
4 Fruits & vegetables 1797.41 3434.43 1874.66 3999.84 4.30 16.46
5 Pulp and Waste paper 1123.97 2325.90 1400.13 2595.54 24.57 11.59
6 Textile yarn Fabric, made-up articles 1550.03 2872.74 1551.75 2901.58 0.11 1.00
7 Fertilisers, Crude & manufactured 9720.49 15062.35 7833.71 12814.69 -19.41 -14.92
8 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrites 54.25 237.16 43.44 96.02 -19.93 -59.51
9 Metaliferrous ores & other minerals 7617.10 12201.53 8058.49 12990.14 5.79 6.46
10 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 36990.90 65751.67 27517.52 53339.54 -25.61 -18.88
11 Petroleum, Crude & products 128242.46 240560.06 166357.38 303663.80 29.72 26.23
12 Wood &  Wood products 4789.71 9200.97 4501.34 8354.01 -6.02 -9.21
13 Leather & leather products 782.59 1288.02 633.63 1151.50 -19.03 -10.60
14 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 21091.10 40225.98 21255.23 39654.66 0.78 -1.42
15 Dyeing/tanning/colouring materials 2915.53 5656.03 2802.26 5515.65 -3.89 -2.48
16 Artificial resins, plastic materials, etc. 15511.64 31081.93 15747.30 29956.09 1.52 -3.62
17 Chemical material & products 8704.07 16805.03 7949.83 15553.92 -8.67 -7.44
18 Newsprint 327.11 525.02 316.41 542.88 -3.27 3.40
19 Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones 15469.46 32761.41 15923.88 29795.00 2.94 -9.05
20 Iron & Steel 15021.87 29019.93 14201.85 27263.41 -5.46 -6.05
21 Non-ferrous metals 16861.94 31366.05 17266.69 32097.20 2.40 2.33
22 Machine tools 3270.61 5972.79 3717.80 7055.56 13.67 18.13
23 Machinery, electrical & non-electrical 34076.37 66316.12 34597.05 66221.42 1.53 -0.14
24 Transport equipment 19276.98 36876.28 25745.71 43598.39 33.56 18.23
25 Project goods 467.56 731.57 263.65 578.35 -43.61 -20.94
26 Professional instrument, Optical goods, etc. 5178.21 9907.35 5368.77 10589.02 3.68 6.88
27 Electronic goods 55193.68 107755.96 59619.12 118430.73 8.02 9.91
28 Medicinal & Pharmaceutical products 5784.53 10520.35 6366.50 12067.99 10.06 14.71
29 Gold 30413.23 38680.91 27795.08 53772.97 -8.61 39.02
30 Silver 223.58 1149.48 1150.21 2268.98 414.45 97.39
  Sub-Total 453408.16 839692.71 495436.41 927345.74 9.27 10.44
   GRAND   TOTAL 473321.02 875683.13 516321.52 967510.51 9.08 10.49

Note 1: Grand total is inclusive of component ‘Other’.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.



Sl. No. Countries (Values in Million USD) % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 U S A 6573.41 12467.43 7432.21 14045.46 13.06 12.66
2 U ARAB EMTS 2568.17 4791.93 3067.14 5566.35 19.43 16.16
3 NETHERLAND 1522.98 3264.45 2191.83 4598.54 43.92 40.87
4 U K 1029.22 2146.36 1374.43 2620.39 33.54 22.09
5 CHINA P RP 1284.91 2673.96 1327.99 2581.58 3.35 -3.45
6 SINGAPORE 977.09 1824.50 1022.38 2493.13 4.64 36.65
7 SAUDI ARAB 1034.76 1969.05 1122.29 2072.78 8.46 5.27
8 BANGLADESH PR 862.77 1719.15 978.96 1784.74 13.47 3.82
9 GERMANY 811.67 1607.95 866.38 1641.96 6.74 2.12
10 FRANCE 529.03 1060.44 724.46 1488.79 36.94 40.39
11 MALAYSIA 424.74 901.36 794.06 1478.49 86.95 64.03
12 SOUTH AFRICA 703.32 1431.02 677.94 1389.59 -3.61 -2.90
13 ITALY 860.01 1716.42 689.60 1372.91 -19.82 -20.01
14 NEPAL 678.74 1337.99 607.73 1197.87 -10.46 -10.47
15 BRAZIL 634.57 1276.62 667.38 1152.87 5.17 -9.69
16 TURKEY 585.72 1247.56 681.43 1136.12 16.34 -8.93
17 BELGIUM 733.36 1308.08 472.94 1047.29 -35.51 -19.94
18 MEXICO 441.66 853.36 512.69 999.50 16.08 17.13
19 AUSTRALIA 538.18 1259.39 519.25 956.55 -3.52 -24.05
20 HONG KONG 487.07 1013.19 518.38 928.15 6.43 -8.39
  Sub-Total 23281.40 45870.21 26249.47 50553.05 12.75 10.21
  GRAND   TOTAL 34952.48 69570.93 38132.48 73116.68 9.10 5.10

Note 1: Grand total is inclusive of all countries.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.



Sl. No. Countries (Values in Million USD) % Change
MAY’23 APR’23-MAY’23 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24 MAY’24 APR’24-MAY’24
1 CHINA P RP 8250.12 15750.29 8482.59 16276.97 2.82 3.34
2 RUSSIA 6022.50 10307.80 7107.75 12358.18 18.02 19.89
3 U ARAB EMTS 3493.28 6642.07 5237.55 8556.70 49.93 28.83
4 U S A 3761.54 6818.76 3776.69 6983.76 0.40 2.42
5 IRAQ 2369.81 4625.93 3760.46 6204.50 58.68 34.12
6 SAUDI ARAB 2501.24 5613.21 2398.53 5591.29 -4.11 -0.39
7 INDONESIA 1950.79 3710.33 2406.55 4281.00 23.36 15.38
8 SWITZERLAND 2250.04 2945.99 1522.61 3724.72 -32.33 26.43
9 KOREA RP 1594.66 3189.11 1806.73 3352.57 13.30 5.13
10 SINGAPORE 1501.47 3051.37 1633.29 3202.70 8.78 4.96
11 JAPAN 1552.49 3059.08 1549.97 3039.38 -0.16 -0.64
12 GERMANY 1819.30 3244.40 1296.08 2502.57 -28.76 -22.87
13 HONG KONG 1355.82 2438.56 1306.96 2428.74 -3.60 -0.40
14 QATAR 956.75 2013.00 1245.48 2315.09 30.18 15.01
15 SOUTH AFRICA 1015.09 1714.66 1125.75 2140.04 10.90 24.81
16 AUSTRALIA 1450.62 2503.03 998.42 1997.20 -31.17 -20.21
17 MALAYSIA 1027.77 1869.54 993.92 1969.25 -3.29 5.33
18 THAILAND 850.23 1773.29 875.40 1811.10 2.96 2.13
19 TAIWAN 605.62 1244.25 882.77 1778.04 45.76 42.90
20 KUWAIT 743.94 1405.90 933.21 1566.58 25.44 11.43
  Sub-Total 45073.07 83920.59 49340.72 92080.38 9.47 9.72
  GRAND   TOTAL 57481.42 106537.53 61914.33 116009.84 7.71 8.89

Note 1: Grand total is inclusive of all countries.

Note 2: The figures for MAY’24 are provisional.

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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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