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Sunday, March 16 2025 | 04:45:05 AM
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India greenlights ₹13,595 crore transmission for 4.5 GW RE from Rajasthan & Karnataka

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The Government of India has approved new Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) schemes to evacuate 9 GW of RE power from Rajasthan and Karnataka. These schemes will be implemented through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) mode. These schemes are part of 500 GW RE capacity by 2030 out of which 200 GW is already connected.

2. Brief of the approved schemes is as under:

  1. The power evacuation scheme of Rajasthan Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will evacuate 4.5 GW of RE power from Rajasthan. It comprises 1 GW from Fatehgarh complex, 2.5 GW from Barmer Complex and 1 GW from Nagaur (Merta) Complex. This power will be transferred to Mainpuri Region, Fatehpur and Orai of Uttar Pradesh. The completion period of the scheme is two years. Cost of the scheme is about ₹12,241 crore.
  2. The System strengthening scheme of Karnataka will evacuate 4.5 GW RE power from Koppal area and Gadag area. The scheme will be completed by June 2027. Cost of the scheme is about ₹1,354 crore.
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* 1 माह के लिए Rs 1000.00 / 1 वर्ष के लिए Rs 10,000.00

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